Wednesday, November 14, 2007

hello visitors:here is a list of prospective festivals that would seem to be a good fit for this film as far as style and content are concerned, included are a list of fees, to get a better idea of festival plan cost:

these are arranged in chronological order nearest to farthest:

May 31, 2008- NextFrame Touring Festival(For Students only) - Earlybird $20, Regular $25

November 15, 2008- Gasparilla Film Festival - Earlybird $30, Regular $40

November 20, 2008- Black Maria Film and Video - $35 Deadline

November 30, 2008- Full Frame Documentary Film Festival - Regular $35, Standard $55

December 15, 2008- RiverRun Film Festival - Earlybird $20, Regular $25, Late $35, Extended $40, Student $15

January 1, 2009- Drive-In Film Festival - Earlybird $15, Regular $20, Late $25, Extended $40

January 11, 2009- SilverDocs - Earlybird $25, Regular $30, Late $40, Extended $45

February 9, 2009- Rural Route Film Festival - Earlybird $10, Regular $20

February 2009- Cannes - Free

The dates listed are the absolute late day they will accept the films

1 comment:

silvashan said...

great list john! find out the latest early bird date for entries. you don't want to hit the absolute latest date because by then the film screeners are tired of watching so many entries. too early and your film might be forgotten, too late and your film may not get fresh or excited eyes. hit that last day of the early bird and you'll save money and be entering at a time when screeners have their best, most excited, eyes.