Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Whirligig Farm

Duration: 08:00 minutes to 15:00 minutes
Subject: Local Urban (Rural) Legend Confrontation

Story Version One: two minutes to three

Audio: of Legend version 1, run under images of Acid Park, bright day, light background audio, also included will be short audio discussion by director narrating location of park and first experience

Images run: Images captured during bright light conditions, sunny, very little or no
Whirligig movement, images will start bright then continue to dark as dusk
approaches, also included will be 35 mm photo files, and color super 8 mm
(kodachrome) and modern color super 8 mm.

Story Version Two: two minutes to three

Audio: of Legend version 2, run under images of Acid Park, rainy day, med. background audio, also included will be short discussion narrative concerning legend’s story

Images run: Images captured during dreary overcast day, more whirligig movement
to fast daylight, 16 mm footage included, also included will be digital SLR photos
modified using photoshop, images also modified using FCP and After Effects

Story Version Three: two minutes to three

Audio of Legend version 3 or alternate story, run under images of Acid Park, Nighttime, heavy background audio, sound effects, and short narrative describing summary of legend themes

Images run: Images captured during storm at night, heavy and frenetic whirligig
movement, focus on alien and otherworldly views, building suspense, also
included will be re-projected and modified footage from super 8

The Real Story of Acid Park: Vollis Simpson: two minutes to three

Sound and image together of interview with the creator of Acid Park, Vollis Simpson.
Topics discussed: the origin of the name acid park, the actual origin ofmain
Legend surrounding daughter’s death, reveal and insight to legend’s spread.
Also included will be location audio sound and narrative summary of topic
including expressive thoughts. Throughout Vollis’ interview will be very
stylized and artistic photography and footage, with stress being on thebeauty
of the art inside of Acid Park

End Credits: Original music composed by bluegrass band and/or guitarist songwriter

Grocery List of Needed Elements for Post:

Four More Interviews to be grabbed using the Morantz and Shot gun Microphone, these have already been confirmed and are in Wilmington so no travel necessary.

Photos and Footage to be modified using Photoshop and After Effects

Already shot footage to be sent off for development. (2 rolls of 16 mm, 6 rolls of Super 8) Remaining three cartridges (modern color, B&W, and Kodachrome) to be shot (waiting for big storm) and also mailed for development.

Developed footage to be projected and re-photographed and modified

More Audio exploration, incl. sound effects and location grab (Big Storm again)

Contact Local Bluegrass Band (Located nearby in Southeastern North Carolina) and Guitarist/Songwriter (also Local). Present them with footage and legends to create original soundtrack and song(s) to accompany film

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