Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The author of the article, "the film as an orginal art form", hans richter begins by stating that the film camera was originally created for reproduction. This reproduction was used to capture real motion and sound (later). Color was also added later to bring the five senses of humans full circle. The technology and means used, especially nowadays, can truly recreate life itself. The debate that richter has is with what film evolved into and became dominated by is the industry of hollywood and its focus of making money really left the artist behind. Nowadays even more than when this article was written has reproduction become the norm of classic hollywood filmmaking. The stories have even reached an end to the fact that even original film are being remade which is even worse than the original reproduction. The original reproduction (modern hollywood narrative) is imitated art in that hollywood took existing stories, books, literature, plays, and etc. to reproduce art for the eyes and ears of the masses. These masses today more than ever have no time for original art, i mean, why read the book when the movie will eventually come out if the book was successful enough. The latest era of hollywood nonevolution is remaking tv stories and advertisements and feeding this through its meat grinder to leave an unappetizing entree of dead lifeless nonart. There is hope however, many independents still stand behind the teeth of this article in that they take the camera lens and turns it back upon life itself in the form of documentary and experimental film. The documentary has evolved quite a bit since the early days of Primary and HIgh School, Errol Morris, Su Friedrich, and even Spike Lee has the truth to tell, because that is what should be at the skeletal core of documentary is truth. Now there will always be agenda in film and especially television. But these days the news media can no longer be trusted and it is up to a bold few to hold the torch up to the face of the monster and reveal its true fangs and features. Documentary film can reveal so much truth, and honesty is such an important of real important art. Experimental film is what film should recreationally be. It is true expression and idea and cannot be reproduced as easily as a novel or a magazine article. Experimental film feeds on original ideas and reveals the grit and merit of an artists soul. There are no test audiences here to say, "you know what would make this better?" There is still criticism, there is always criticism, but comes at the end of the creative process by intellectuals who take the time to try to identify with it. Their feedback does not kill the art, their feedback discusses the art, and the key word of that discussion is art itself. It is art. No producer will make you change the ending of your experimental film to satisfy an age category or market for example. You are the producer, You are the Art, and the Art is all of us.