Wednesday, October 31, 2007

well here we go, this is the weekend of the whirlygig festival, it should be alot of fun. we have got our equipment checked off, just waiting to get it from tony. i feel a bit sad about the whole deal. if all goes well, this is the last journey for a while to acid park. the weather should be beautiful and i believe i feel a stiff cold wind in the air. the fact that it is halloween week helps add to the mood. me and my pals hope to wrap up principal photography after this weekend. i hope to capture the ambient sound of whirlygigs with the stereo mic i reserved. there are a few establishing shots i thought of as i have been reflecting all week what it is that i am missing. we hope to use the banquet as a spring board to make all final contacts. i still wish to put an ad of some kind in the paper so i can find some older photographs of vollis' work and hopefully of the car. we will have more than enough tape to cover the legend. my big hope is to get into the town of wilson and get my vox pop that is so crucial to this story. the word of folks is critical and i look forward to hear what they have to say about vollis simpson and his infamous park.

the wind, yes the wind will blow kindly upon our supject this weekend, the weather seems to have finally turned the corner into fall. i am going to make a phone call to the simpsons before i head up to make sure that the gigs arent tied down like the las time i went. i cant imagine on such a big weekend how vollis could possibly not show them babies off. i expect a lot of traffic at the park, there should be moments for vox pop there as well. i plan on a series of 3-4 questions, that should get people excited to talk about vollis' work as well as gut level reaction and hopefully some more stories to tell. so while wilmington prepares for cucalorus, me and my merry band will be swimming into the mystery which is acid park-jm

1 comment:

Damian Ashley said...

Sorry this weekend sucked for me dude. I hope everything went well. We got a few decent interviews. Wanted more, but oh well.